Cost of Living Help and Information

Inflation is rising and the cost of living is becoming more expensive. Below is a link to the governments ‘Help for Households’ page. This lists the support available for all homes, regardless of income.
Cost of Living Support
Knowsley Council also have additional support pages that can help those in need.
Hardship Fund – details of where Knowsley residents can go to access support with food/essentials and fuel/energy.
Household Support Fund – Available until 30th September 2022. This could be Free School Meals, Knowsley Foodbank vouchers and support for pensioners – please note, this is not open for applications – funding has been allocated as per the Govt grant conditions.
Financial advice and support – details of local and national money and debt support, crisis support, financial services and DWP support
Emergency Support Scheme – details of Knowsley Council’s Emergency Support Scheme for crisis support with fuel (prepayment meters only) and furniture/white goods (criteria applies).
If you are not a Knowsley resident, check with your local borough council who will be offering additional support.